Sunday, February 5, 2012


In an attempt to organize my laundry better I got each child their own laundry basket. They are actually just storage cubes that usually are used in wall storage units, but even the small size fits plenty of small clothing and they are small enough that Sam and even Matthew can carry their own around.

And Sam is certainly excited to carry his around and do his own laundry. After one day he wanted to do his laundry and started taking his cube downstairs. I told him we needed to wait until he had more clothing in his cube. Later that day I was doing a load of laundry and Sam ran into the laundry room and exclaimed, "Mommy, I wanted to do my laundry!" I reassured him that I wasn't washing his clothes, I was only washing mine and Jason's and told him that he could do his in a few days. When the aforementioned clothes were washed, but not dry, I took advantage of Sam's enthusiasm about doing laundry and asked him to put them in the dryer and start the dryer. He did so and I sat on the couch.

So a few days later I told Sam it was time to do his laundry. He dutifully carried his laundry cube downstairs, put his clothes into the washing machine, put laundry detergent into the dispenser (with my help) and started the washing machine. When it was done, he put his clothes in the dryer. When that was done he put them back into his cube and he and I folded them. Then he carried the cube back upstairs to his room and put his clothes away. Wow! All that work for a 3 year old? And he was excited about it? I only hope his laundry enthusiasm lasts for 15 more years...not likely, but who knows?

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