Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Me: Boys, do you want to go to the Y after Abby's nap? You can play with toys and get some exercise?
Sam: No, I don't like to exercise. Like you do. It's not fun.
Me: Well, exercise isn't necessarily just what Mommy does at the Y (the kids often stop and look at the exercise area at the Y when we're leaving...they see all the people on stationary bikes, treadmills, etc.)...like kicking the soccer ball is exercise and running around the house and shooting the basketball...that's exercise too.
Sam: Well, maybe.
Me: I have an idea! (I run around the house grabbing pillows and throw them in a big pile in the middle of the basement floor).  Here, this is what you do! (I run and throw myself into the pile and thus commences our morning exercise).

The boys loved it! They ran and jumped and rolled and somersaulted and laughed a lot. And I laughed a lot too.

Wow! Look at the mess in that last picture. That's what our basement regularly looks like. About once a week, maybe twice, it's completely picked up. Other than that, we just let the kids have it their way. Here's one more pic...Baa Baa got into the action too.

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