Friday, November 26, 2010

The cure for insomnia

Play hard. That seems to be Sam's prescription for good sleep. For example, this morning he was throwing a little rubber football around. It would maybe travel 5-7 feet, then he'd run after it and repeat. And repeat. And repeat. And repeat. And repeat. Yesterday evening while we were at Ken and Cheri's after a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner, Sam was pushing a metal Tonka dump truck around the loveseat and couch. And he wasn't just pushing it, he was running and pushing it. And he went around and around and around and around and around. The adults were sitting or laying on the couch and loveseat in exhaustion and here was Sam going and going and going. When we returned home we had some leftovers then Jason and I were sitting on the couch and loveseat. Sam was climbing from the ottoman to the couch and/or loveseat using our legs as tightropes. He would squeal in delight when he reached his destination and roll around and/or kick his legs. And he did this over and over and over. A few nights ago Sam figured out he could use my legs as a slide. So he would sit on my lap, then slide down my legs as I was sitting on the couch. And he did this over and over and over. Additionally, Sam's pace in life seems to be "running". When we go from the van to buildings such as the Y or the grocery store, Sam runs. Fortunately, his running pace is close to my walking pace, so it's not too much of a problem. But he runs. That's just what he does.

And then he sleeps hard. Sam goes to bed around 7:30PM and usually wakes around 7AM or so. I've only had to go in to his room once in the past two months and that was two nights ago to give him some water because he was coughing hard. He really sleeps hard. I think it's a combination of being super tired from his super-activity level, but also he likes spending quality time with BaaBaa which only occurs in his crib. He naps every afternoon and you can usually bet on at least 2 hours of nap. Sometimes more, sometime less.

Sam's motto: play hard, sleep hard.

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