Monday, November 22, 2010

An early morning for Matthew

Matthew's had a little bit of a cold lately as we all have. He was a little snuffly when he went to bed and was hoarse and coughing when he woke up at 10:30. We got bundled up and spent some time outside which seemed to calm him down and he went back to sleep. At 12:30AM he woke up and was coughing very badly and having trouble breathing so we decided it was time for a trip to the ER. We've been down this road before with Sam and I didn't want another ride in an ambulance for little Matthew.

At the ER Matthew was immediately seen, much to the annoyance of the other people in the waiting room, although I overheard someone say something like since it was a baby skipping to the front of the "line" it was ok. Apparently the waits were rather long. Apparently, a number of people had slipped on the ice and fell. Matthew had croup and was barking and wheezing accordingly. Poor guy. He responded to some medicine pretty well, and fortunately didn't have a fever or other symptoms and by the time we went home at 4:30 he was almost back to his normal self. We were there for over 3 hours in the middle of the night and Matthew only slept 10 minutes. It's not that we were being examined all the time, he just looked around him and kept himself busy with his new environment. He slept this morning until 9 and is napping again now (10AM). Sam is now watching the wheels on the bus video and it might be a day of many videos for Sam. Hopefully we can all get some good naps in this afternoon.

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