Thursday, November 4, 2010

No more diapers

For Sam, at least. In fact, he doesn't want to wear much of anything below the waist these days. I was wondering when this stage would begin. The stripping-and-running-around-naked stage. It started a few days ago when Sam kept on taking off his pants. I thought they were maybe too big and long and so he was stepping on them and wanted to take them off. But the past two days, everything has been stripped off, even pants that clearly fit him. And the diaper. And his socks.He goes into the stairway, strips, then starts screaming.

I asked him this morning if he wanted to wear a diaper or underwear. He chose Mater underwear (Mater is from the Cars movie). So we put on Mater. Then we went downstairs and Mater quickly came off. Sam had an accident so I asked him if he wanted to wear a diaper. He shouted, "No diaper! No diaper!" and ran around screaming. He's been doing a lot of screaming these days.

Then later in the morning Sam said he had to pee, so I asked him if he wanted to pee in a cup. I don't remember if I've mentioned this or not, but we've made a habit of peeing into a cup at the beginning of bathtime to salvage the bath water. He said yes and I quickly found a disposable cup and we averted another accident. In the afternoon I asked Sam if he wanted to wear a diaper for his nap. He said yes. An hour later he was awake and I went into his room and he was naked from the waist down. His diaper was a little wad on his mattress. I've decided to take advantage of his desire for nakedness to work more on potty training, so I just let him go naked.

After awhile in the afternoon, I saw Sam eyeing the potty chair and slowly walking by it as if he was considering it. Then he bee-lined up the stairs, which is not unusual as he generally goes upstairs after his nap and attempts to get BaaBaa out of the crib. A few minutes later he came down the stairs and said, "Mommy, big one upstairs." Matthew was eating at the time, so we finished up then I went upstairs knowing what awaited me. There were two big ones next to Sam's crib. He was quite proud of his accomplishment, and we cleaned it up and flushed the evidence down the toilet. I told Sam to try using the potty next time and he nodded.

I still decided to let Sam go naked to see how he progressed in his potty training. Later in the evening when Jason returned home, Sam went over to his potty chair, grabbed the disposable cup and peed right into it, the flushed it down the toilet. We'll see how tomorrow goes.

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