Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A house full of sickies

Well, I just gargled some of Jason's whiskey as my throat is rather sore and nose rather runny and head rather foggy these days. I poured myself about 1/4 of a shot, got it to the back of my throat and gargled for maybe 10 seconds. As I spit the whiskey out, I couldn't get it over my lips without touching them so now they are numb. But so is my throat, so that's a positive. Ugh. Sam has been a nose-running fool these days too. And rather crabby. Whenever I tell him I need to wipe his nose he runs away from me and then proceeds to bury his nose in whatever happens to be near him at the time. Yesterday it was a blanket and Matthew's winter coat (bunting???) and today he got my jeans and the couch. Yuck. Matthew has just a little runny nose and runny eyes. He started showing symptoms today, whereas Sam started Saturday and Jason and I started feeling yucky Sunday. Maybe he's just a little behind the rest of us, but I hope he holds strong and doesn't get too sick as a sick baby is no fun for anyone.

We've finally entered the stage of toddlerhood where Sam runs away from my summons and yells, "No!" I was wondering when we were going to arrive at that point (as I've heard about it extensively from other mom friends) and hoping that we maybe wouldn't, but alas, here we are. I'm not sure what it is about nearly every request and summon that results in running and yelling, "No!" I think it's just a phase of toddlerhood that all must go through and reflect upon God's sense of humor in the whole deal. I've had to reach deep into my repertoire of manipulation, err, parenting skills to motivate Sam to acquiesce. Otherwise I just chase him and force compliance.

Matthew has started copying some behaviors and reaching out to be held. It is cute to see him grow in these ways as it's just neat to see him communicate in ways other than crying or smiling. I was clicking my tongue this morning to Matthew and he started bobbing his jaw up and down, mimicking my mouth. Then Matthew was playing on the floor (sitting) for awhile this evening and when I walked over to him he reached out his arms. I don't know why I get so surprised to see him gaining more and more control of his muscles, as it's how babies grow and development, but it's fun to see how he grows and changes everyday. It really seems like every few days or so he's gained or refined some skill.

Later today I showed Sam tongue-clicking and he was mesmerized too. He just stared at my mouth for like 15 seconds of clicking. Then he wanted to put his hands in my mouth to see how the tongue was working. That didn't happen.

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