Monday, November 8, 2010

Daylight savings time

On Saturday night we went to bed knowing full well that "fall back" for daylight savings time would not mean an extra hour of sleep for us. For some reason babies and toddlers don't bother with changing their schedules according to the rest of the US (except for Arizona, am I missing any other states that don't change time?) and do basically what they want to.

We all went to bed at our normal times and Matthew woke Sunday morning at 6AM (new time), Sam woke at 7AM (new time). We were all up and had breakfast by 8AM (new time) and actually made it to church about 1 minute early instead of late, which is normal for us.. Matthew got an early nap in before church, but still managed to yawn his way through the church service. Sam still managed to be a pill and get taken out by Jason mid-way through the service. Some things haven't changed.

Sunday night, Matthew went to bed at 5:15 (new time) and Sam at 7:10 (new time) and Jason and I managed to get to 9:20 or so (new time). This whole time change thing is not a lot of fun. The kids still want to eat at the same time, and get up and go to bed at the same time. Matthew was so fussy yesterday afternoon and I couldn't figure out what was the problem. For the past few months, he's had an afternoon snack around 3PM. And yesterday, at 2PM he became very irritated. I couldn't figure out what his problem was until I realized that to Matthew, it was still 3PM, not 2PM.

Today went pretty well, though, and the kids are adjusting. Matthew woke up at 6:30, which is pretty normal for him and Sam woke up just before 7, which clearly indicates that he is on old time still as he's been sleeping in until around 8. Matthew managed to stay up until 5:45 and he wasn't really fussy. I don't know if I'll make it up until 10 tonight as my cold has taken a bite out of my energy lately.

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