Wednesday, November 17, 2010

It's Winter

We have snow here. Over the weekend we got maybe 8-10 inches of snow. It was 67 last Wednesday, and now it fully looks and feels like winter (though the temps aren't bad, in the 30s). This means we must find a new routine as going out for our daily walks probably won't occur anymore, nor will we be playing in the sandbox. Just when you think a new routine is figured out, something changes, like naps or the weather. Either way, it's out of my control.

Yesterday I bundled everyone up and we went out to play in the snow for a bit. Sam loved the snow, but he hated his mittens (which I had purchased at Target the night before). I just can't seem to get his thumb into the thumb holes. There must be a better way. And his snowpants from last year just are too small. They barely tuck into his boots and he got some snow into his boots while we played. So I will be making another trip to find new snowpants. Fortunately Matthew's snowsuit and hat fit him perfectly. Matthew was pulled/pushed around a lot in the baby sled which he seemed to enjoy. Sam would push and I would pull the rope attached to the sled or vice versa. The baby sled really works best in about 2 inches of snow, so we were limited to areas where the snow had mostly melted. And the handle/rope is about 2 feet long, so it really worked better to have Sam pull and me push. Either way, I was awkwardly bending over and my back was telling me my age (or adding a few extra years). After awhile Matthew and I sat on the front steps and Sam pushed around the empty sled.

It was pretty fun, except that it got dark so early, so we couldn't play outside too long. On nicer days this winter I think we will spend some time outside, but definitely not as much time as we did before, so we are again going to have to figure out a new routine. I think we will go to the Y more often as Sam seems to enjoy playing there and I get in a workout as well as a needed break from the sometime crazy life with two little Kirchhoff boys. 

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