Friday, November 12, 2010

Pumper truck and Sam's imagination

Today during lunch Sam created a small tower of his cup, his empty bowl which had contained pears and the cap for the milk jug. Then he took another glass, put a straw in it and came over to his tower claiming he was a "pumper truck" and proceeded to fill up his tower with imaginary milk.

Another example of Sam's imagination is that he like to put his animals on the toy John Deere tractor mower or his dump truck or train and let them do the driving. He also takes his cars on various trips during the day, mostly mimicking what we do throughout the day. There are no secrets anymore and Sam bares all to Jason through his playing. For example, Sam was playing with his cars and I asked him, "Where are your cars going?" Sam said, "Drive thru for caramel cooler." Or he also has said "Drive thru for french fries." Now, these are not frequent occurrences. I maybe get drive through coffee once every other week or so and our trips to McDonalds are about every other week or so too. But Sam remembers everything and as he greatly loves french fries and caramel coolers they must make an impact on him. So Jason has learned about our little vices through Sam's play. I guess I'm busted.

But Jason's busted too. I have a women's Bible study every other week that I attend and play volleyball once a week. So Jason and Sam have some quality time together when I'm out of the house on those evenings. Matthew is always asleep by the time I leave, so he doesn't get any quality time with his dad yet. So I told Sam that I was leaving for volleyball the other night and started getting on my coat and shoes. And Sam turns to Jason excitedly and says, "Red guys, blue guys?" (red guys, blue guys = Halo, a video game that Jason plays). So apparently that's how they spend their quality time together. Jason gives Sam a controller without batteries and Sam "plays" along while Jason actually plays the game. Sam doesn't really push any buttons (unless prompted), but he holds the controller and intently watches the TV screen.

On a different note, I think Matthew may be a thrill-seeker. I get the most giggles out of him when I gently, of course, throw him up and catch him. He giggles and giggles and giggles. Much more so than any of the other antics I try on him. We must look silly trying to get that kid to laugh. Anyway, Jason and I certainly are not thrill-seekers and I don't believe Sam is showing those inclinations, so I don't know who Matthew will ride on roller coasters with down the road.

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