Monday, November 15, 2010

No Cookie Monster

This morning Matthew woke a little after 6 and then Sam a little before 7. I got Sam out of bed and returned to Jason and my bedroom to check on Matthew whom I had been playing with before Sam awoke. Sam followed me into the bedroom, then he turned around and said, "I get BaaBaa, no Cookie Monster." Okay. I'm not sure where he got the "No cookie monster" from and what he meant by that, but anyways, it brought a puzzled smile to my face.

Matthew has been laughing a lot lately. After months of few laughs, he now laughs frequently throughout the day and will laugh at almost anything (including Sam's dramatic cries on occasion). He laughs to himself as he's playing and laughs in conversation with myself, Sam or anyone else. It's like he's listening in on our conversations and copying our laughing whenever we laugh. And then we laugh in return and he laughs again. We're quite a happy house these days. He's quite good at keeping himself entertained, playing with toys on his own, talking to himself and laughing to himself and I still believe he has the gifting to be a radio talk show host. I don't know how people can talk to themselves for 3 hours and not get bored, but Matthew is showing potential in that realm. The Little Scooter, (fortunately he is no longer the Reluctant Napper) is not scooting too much on his bottom, but is combining scooting and rolling to move about 2 feet these days. He's still trying to get himself on hands and knees, but is not advancing too quickly in the crawling form of locomotion.

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