Friday, December 17, 2010

Craft time

After an unsuccessful trip to the bookstore for Christmas shopping (unsuccessful because I forgot my wallet), we returned home for some craft time. Today's craft: coloring. Sam isn't too crafty, preferring instead to play with cars, but he actually got into the coloring for maybe 20 minutes or so. Matthew (after an unsuccessful attempt to nap) also got involved with the crafting, but he mostly played with other toys at the table. He did get his hands on one marker and proceeded to color his face and we are thankful for non-toxic, washable markers. I didn't get a picture of the colored-on face, just a close-up of his cuteness during table play.

At one point Sam decided he wanted to fingerpaint, so he got the fingerpaints out of the cabinet. He said something like, "Want to paint" and I said something like, "No, put them back" and the next picture is Sam's interpretation of "putting them back".  Notice the symmetric placement of the paints with the wine bottles. I don't think my dad ever imagined that the wine cabinet he made for us would be multi-purpose in this sense, but here it is. Usually the paints are stored in the cabinet on the left.

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