Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Stir crazy

The kids haven't left the house since last Thursday. Jason says they don't understand they've been in the same place for almost a week, but I think Sam may be going a little crazy. Or maybe he's just driving me crazy. Yesterday before his nap we started heading upstairs and he laid down on the stairs. He then started trying to go up the stairs while laying on the steps with his feet first. Hard to imagine, isn't it? Imagine sliding down the stairs on your belly, head first. Then imagine that in reverse. That's how Sam attempted to go up the stairs. He met with little success.

I think he's managed ok, though, since he's got to spend a good amount of time in the basement with Jason lately. Jason has been getting things prepared for drywall installation (which started yesterday). He's enjoying using a tape measure and screw drivers and basically he mimics everything that Jason does. Except for using the saw. He is terrified of the saw. Jason doesn't use it when Sam is in the basement, but he expresses some fear just hearing it below us. I think he's more scared of the saw than the vacuum.

Matthew seems to be doing fine being cooped up indoors. We're reading lots of stories and playing with cars. He enjoys trying to stand at the ottoman. We usually spend some time in the kitchen and I get out the measuring cups and bowls and the kids play with them. Matthew usually just chews on the items, but a few days ago Sam decided to mix up an imaginary birthday cake. It tasted good. We also set up a car wash...a tub half full of soapy water. Then Sam takes his cars and plays in it for awhile, saying the cars are getting a carwash. Such are the days of winter. 

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