Friday, December 3, 2010

Matthew has a tooth!

Today Matthew required a clothing change early in the morning (must have been around 8:30) as he couldn't limit himself to his diaper. I had done some laundry yesterday so I had some clean and freshly folded clothes in the laundry room and grabbed a change of clothes.

I cleaned up breakfast dishes, then the kids played for awhile in the living room. When I went over near the kids I smelled something yucky. Since it was around the time of day for Sam's morning BM, I asked Sam if he had a dirty diaper and he told me that Matthew pooped. Ok. Back to the laundry room. Another dirty diaper and another change of clothes.

After Matthew's nap we went to the Y. Things were fine until about 15 minutes into my workout I got paged. I figured it was for Sam since he had yet to dirty a diaper for the morning, but not Matthew as you already know what our morning was like.

However, when I got to the kid's center the staff member informed me that Matthew was very dirty. I looked over at my little guy who was sitting on the floor happily playing with something. His back was facing me and I could see a 4 inch stain on his shirt, above his diaper. Yuck. He soaked through his undershirt and his outershirt and was a mess. Unfortunately, I hadn't brought a change of clothes since I figured Matthew was done with dirty deeds for the day. I was wrong and Matthew was cleaned up and strapped into the carseat wearing only a diaper. I surrounded him with a cozy blanket and his carseat cover, so he was still warm, but the naked little guy was quite a sight all packed up in his carseat. I took Matthew's picture when we got home in memory of our eventful morning.

The staff member also asked if Matthew was teething because she said that frequent blowouts are sometimes associated with teething. I was so flustered by the whole ordeal that I forgot about what she had said, but later in the day I was playing with Matthew and he grabbed my finger to chew on it and, ouch, a tooth had broken through! So Matthew is 7 months, 3 days, and he has his first tooth.

The other picture is from Thanksgiving when Matthew tried on the new hat I knitted for Sam. Fits him pretty well too. I forgot to post it earlier, so here it is.

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