Sunday, December 12, 2010

Let it snow!

So I'm sure you heard we got an excessive amount of snow yesterday. Yes, the Metrodome collapsed. Yes, we got maybe 15 inches of snow since Friday night. I went to the grocery store Friday afternoon for a regular quick trip and was overwhelmed by the harried shoppers stocking up on essentials for the weekend's innundation. Come on, this is Minnesota, people! 15 inches of snow does not mean a being snowed in for a week!

The kids enjoyed watching the snow plows come by yesterday morning and again this morning. The first picture is of them looking out the window at the plows. I don't think Matthew could see very well, but he sure was excited to be standing next to his brother. He's still pretty precarious when standing on his own, so there's always a adult close by, but he is getting steadier each day. He also is getting up on his hands and knees a lot more and I'd put him at about 2 weeks from forward crawling.

Sam opted not to help Jason with shoveling and the snowblower, preferring instead to watch from inside the house. He did mention wanting to build a snowman and we will probably try that sometime when it warms up. It's supposed to be in the 20s by mid-week, so we will maybe venture out at that time. Otherwise, we're staying in as the single digits really aren't appealing.

The second picture is our deck. There is quite a lot of snow on it from the past few storms. I guess we won't be using the sliding door anytime soon. The other picture is out our front door. I tried to take a picture of the mailbox, can't see it. It's not that it's a bad picture (well, it is kind of a bad picture, but I really didn't want to spend much time outside), I can't see it either. It's just to the left of the driveway, maybe you can make out a piece of it. 

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