Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Random acts of Sam

This morning Sam went over to the basement door, opened it, and yelled "Mickey Mouse!" then he ran away. I closed the door and asked him what was going on. He came back over to the basement door, opened it, and yelled, "Mickey Mouse!" and ran away.

After Sam's nap he was cuddling with BaaBaa in the crib for awhile. I said that it was time for BaaBaa to go to bed as we had to go visit our friend down the street. Sam gave BaaBaa a big hug, placed him in the corner of the crib, gave him a baboosh, covered him with a blanket, kissed him and said, "I love you BaaBaa."

Tonight I was telling Jason about our day and I mentioned that Sam was really good today. I said to Sam, "Right, sweetie, you were good today?" He said, "Thank you."

I forgot to mention this earlier, but Matthew has two teeth now. Both bottom middle teeth have popped through, as the second one came through over the weekend. He's handling it like a champ, but drooling a lot.

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