Monday, December 20, 2010

First Christmas program

Yesterday we had our first church Christmas program. On Saturday we had practice. When we arrived the little kids were going to their Sunday school classes for some crafts while the older kids practiced their part of the program, then the little kids were going to practice. Sam ran into his Sunday school room, sat down at the table and was ready for his activities. He didn't even notice that I slipped out to the kitchen to help prepare food for Sunday's brunch after the program. The teacher said she would come and get me if he needed me, but he seemed to be doing fine. I wasn't sure how it would go as I've always stayed with him during Sunday school and other church activities.

Two hours went by and I was still in the kitchen and Sam was still practicing. I snuck into the church sanctuary at one point to see how Sam was doing and he was in the front, practicing the songs with all the rest of the kids. After awhile Jason called to say that I was needed at home, so I went in to get Sam (they were finishing up) and was greeted by some of the other parents telling me how good Sam was. I was surprised. He sure is growing up fast. He melted down at the end when the teacher tried to put Sam's sheep costume on him...he didn't want anything to do with it. Other than that he began his stage career in good form.

When we arrived at church the next morning, however, Sam had a death grip on me and would not let me leave without some serious crying and screaming. We went to his classroom to practice the songs before church and he would not leave my side. I tried guiding him toward the other children and would stand nearby, but that resulted in crying and screaming. Then we went to put on the costumes and Sam again would not let me put him down without extreme protestations and would not put on his sheep costume without extreme protestations. I managed to get on his furry sheep shirt, but the sheep hat was not going to happen.

When the children's portion of the program started, Sam and the other kids were supposed to go to the front of the church and sit in some chairs in the manger scene. Sam went up there without me, but cried very loudly and desperately for mommy. It was awful. The first picture is fuzzy, but I think you get the idea (we're still figuring out the new camera). My options were to either take him back to our pew or sit up front with him as some other parents were doing with their wee ones. I sat up front with him. That's the second picture. He was consoled in a few moments. So we both got to be a part of the program. Poor Sam. He did so well in practice, but wasn't ready for the big show without some assistance. I wasn't really all that surprised that Sam wasn't ready to participate in the program without me, I was more surprised that the practice went so well. Someday, when Sam is older, I will look up at him  in the Christmas program and reminisce about how I used to have to sit up there with him and he wouldn't leave my side. As it is, I am still needed.

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