Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Merry Christmas!

We are swimming in a sea of new toys and Christmas cheer! The kids are delighted and much occupied with all their wonderful gifts, which is very nice since we didn't go anywhere today and probably tomorrow too due to runny noses and Matthew's fever (which is pretty mild, fortunately). Except for Target. I've experienced a sudden urge for more totes. The sea of toys has me itching for organization. Jason purchased a few totes yesterday when he made a trip to Menards, but I've been on an organizing frenzy and believe I need a few more to become properly organized. This morning during Matthew's much longer than normal morning nap I organized the pantry and some more toys. But there is more to be done. Everything must have a place. And I will spend the rest of my years trying to teach Jason and the boys where the proper places are or re-putting away things. Maybe one of the kids will take after me, but you never know. For Jason, something is put away if it's out of sight. Whether that means it's under the couch or ottoman or in whatever drawer happens to be closest, you never know, but it's put away. In marriage and parenting, you must choose your battles.

Sam has a number of new favorite toys and bounced from toy to toy today. Although he managed to find some time to help me clean the counter, dining room table and bathroom. I just can't stop him from helping me. He got his own washcloth, dipped it in my cleaning bucket and went away wiping down dirty surfaces.When Jason got home this evening he asked me what Sam's favorites seemed to be and I just couldn't say. He really played with almost everything he got for Christmas.

Matthew's favorites seem to be a barn book he received (I'm not sure if he prefers reading or chewing it more), or some of the car toys he got. He also really likes some little animals he got with his John Deere riding toy. Again, anything that is good for chewing (or has tags) seems to be a winner.

We really enjoyed Christmas. I have reached the point in my life where I enjoy Christmas more because of the opportunity to see the kids' unabashed joy upon opening their presents than anticipation for my own presents. They haven't reached the point in their lives where they temper their excitement about Christmas as that is the Midwestern-male thing to do. They also haven't reached the point in their lives where they beg for certain toys and are disappointed when they don't receive those toys. They simply are overjoyed to receive anything (except for maybe clothing...that doesn't get much attention, although I sure appreciate it). What a fun Christmas we had. Jason was asking for days ahead of Christmas if we could let Sam open some of his gifts early. I had to repeatedly tell him no, that we had to wait for Christmas. I had to repeatedly tell myself no, that Matthew couldn't open his John Deere riding tractor early. Growing up, I never knew life would come to this, but it sure is an ironic and enjoyable change of perspective.

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