Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Costumes and hugs

Last night's costume party at church was a lot of fun. Sam got 2nd place in the costume contest for his age group, behind a cute little mermaid. Jason stayed home with Matthew, who, of course, was already asleep. Unfortunately, our electricity went out at 5:30 or so and Jason was in the dark, literally, for once. The first picture is at the church, I was dressed as Gilligan. After unsuccessfully finding something for myself yesterday morning, I came home and told Jason I had nothing to dress up as and he surprised me his old Gilligan costume (red shirt and white hat). It was easy enough. Maybe in future years we will get more creative. If we decide to go out with the kids over the weekend, Matthew is going to be a pumpkin as some friends handed down their pumpkin costume. It's a little snug on the big guy, but will work for the short term.

Yesterday afternoon, Sam wanted to hold Matthew so I had Sam sit down on the couch and placed Matthew on his lap. They quickly toppled into the pillow next to them, neither was perturbed, and both appeared to be having fun. Then Sam wanted to give Matthew a bear hug as that is his "thing" these days. Matthew wasn't so pleased with that show of affection.

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