Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Matthew's longest morning nap ever

Since Jason was home this morning, I decided I would go out without the kids and find Sam a costume for our church's costume party tonight. I've been trying to give Jason some more opportunities to develop his appreciation for life at home with the kids. I put Matthew down for a nap around 8:15 and headed out. After searching 4 stores, I ended up with a walrus costume for Sam. Not exactly what I was looking for (I wasn't really sure what I was looking for), but it will work and Sam sure looks cute in it although he doesn't like the tusks hanging over his forehead.

When I returned around 10AM, Matthew was still napping. So Matthew took (and is still taking as of 10:38AM) his longest unassisted morning nap ever, under Jason's watch. Matthew's longest unassisted afternoon nap was a few weeks ago when I met a friend on a Sunday afternoon and he slept for over 2 hours. He is clearly in cahoots with Jason in thwarting my plan to give Jason quality time with the kids.

Shortly after I returned, I went upstairs with a load of clean laundry and began folding it on the bed. As I was folding some sheets, Sam took a pair of thick, fuzzy white socks that I wear to bed sometimes, hugged them, and ran with them down the hall, yelling "My lovey! My lovey!" At least that's what it sounded like he was saying. I suspect they reminded him of his Beloved. He went into the guest room where Jason was working on the computer, then emerged back into the hallway. I commanded, "Bring the socks back here." I've been a little annoyed by the toddler drag-and-drop routine and am working on getting him to return his grabbed objects back to their proper place, which in case of the socks, is on the floor right beside my bed. Sam said, "No." I repeated my command. "Bring the socks back here." He then placed the socks in his right hand and reached far back and threw them about 5 feet down the hallway. I stifled a laugh and went into the bathroom so he wouldn't see me. Moments later he came into the bathroom with the socks.

It's 10:46. Matthew is still napping. Jason is leaving to meet his new boss for lunch in a few minutes and I'm sure Matthew will wake up right about then.

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