Thursday, October 14, 2010

Random acts this week

Over the weekend I was having Matthew practice standing up along the side of the ottoman. He would hold on to the ottoman and stand up all by himself, so then we decided to try having Matthew stand up while Sam held his hands. Both kids loved it and it was a real treat to see the kids interacting so happily. Sam has been paying more attention to Matthew lately, and, of course, Matthew always pays attention to him. We've even been working with Sam on sharing some of his toys with Matthew. The other day I asked Sam to pick out a car to share with Matthew and he brought Matthew a little airplane that he doesn't play with much. Typical toddler. Then today he was sharing all sorts of cars with Matthew!

Here is Matthew engaged in his new favorite activity: sitting up. He can sit completely by himself for quite a long time (maybe 10 minutes???) and needs only pillows to catch the occasional tumble. I'm sure he enjoys seeing the world from a different vantage point. Another of Matthew's favorites these days: paper. He likes to grab it, crumple it, chew it (as he does everything). We have to watch the little guy closely to make sure he doesn't eat any. While reading books, Matthew is always grabbing at the pages and attempting to put his mouth on them, much to the annoyance of Sam who says, "No Matthew!" and tries to turn the page.

Earlier this week I peeled and cut up a bunch of apples I had purchased to try out an apple cake recipe. As I was peeling the apples and setting them on my cutting board, Sam pulled over one of the tall chairs that we have at our island, sat on it, then opened the silverware drawer and started pulling out all of his forks, which he then stuck into the peeled apples. Afterward, he counted his forks and blew on them, saying they were birthday candles.

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