Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Kisses and sharing

Lately Matthew has become quite the kisser. When he's in the right mood, he will turn to you with his mouth wide open, grab your face and lay a big, slobbery kiss on your cheek. It's actually a combination of sucking and licking, so it tickles a little bit, but it's so sweet. What an affectionate guy! He may have gotten his father's romantic genes.

Although we haven't been working too much with Sam on sharing as I've read that kids this age just don't get it, on occasion we do talk about it. Generally when Sam is playing with another child, we have to talk about sharing eventually, as there are usually shouts of "mine!" or grabbing toys out of each other's hands at some point during playtime. So yesterday morning Matthew was playing with a toy dinosaur (I don't know why I had to describe the dinosaur as a toy, isn't that obvious?) and Sam came over to him, took it away and yelled "Share!!!" I can see our attempts at sharing are having an impact on him.

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