Sunday, October 24, 2010

Kiss it mommy!

This afternoon I bought some Doritos at the grocery store. I bought the regular flavor for myself and Sam and a flavor called "third degree burn" for Jason. We sampled them for an afternoon snack, and Jason was surprised at the hotness of his chips. We then put them away into the pantry. Later on, when I was making dinner, Sam got into the pantry and pulled out a few of the "third degree burn" chips and quickly put one into his mouth and immediately started wimpering and crying. I hurriedly got him some milk. Still crying, he said, "Kiss it mommy! Kiss it mommy!" I looked at his drooly, dorito covered lips and wondered, where do I kiss? I kissed his cheek and told him to drink his milk. The episode calmed down and I tried the chips too and immediately needed a drink. They were put up higher in the pantry.

After dinner we were cleaning up and Sam was messing around and accidentally ran into the cabinet, leading with his mouth. So he injured his lips and started crying. He came to me and wanted to be picked up, so I held him, then he stuck out his lips and said "Kiss it mommy." Here we go again. I planted a light kiss on his little lips and he was healed.

Tonight is the big Vikings/Packers game so Jason asked Sam who he wanted to win the game. Sam said the Packers. He asked again and received the same response. Then Jason asked, "Sam, who do you want to win the Vikings/Packers game?" Sam replied, "Vikings," then changed his response to "Packers." Jason thought Sam's responses had something to do with the order the teams were mentioned. So Jason slowly said, "Sam, who do you want to win the Vikings Packers game?" Still Packers. I told him that Mommy wanted the Vikings to win and asked him if he wanted the Vikings or Packers to win. Still Packers. Hmmmm. Our pro football indoctrination is not going well.

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