Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday morning

A little after 6 Matthew starts making noise. He hasn't gotten up since 10ish last night, so he must be hungry. I start stirring and then Jason offers to bring the little one in to the bed for his breakfast. A few moments later, Matthew is happily eating and Jason is snoring again. I return Matthew to his crib when he's done and hope to squeeze in another 45 minutes or so of sleep. Minutes later I hear a thumping sound and know that Matthew is lifting up his legs and slamming them down in his crib. So I get up and get him out of the crib, thinking that since he's getting up earlier, he will take a nap before church, as church is during his morning nap time.

It is 6:35. I change his clothes and put on a new shirt we got from the Children's Place. He hardly gets new clothes these days as Sam's stuff mostly fits him. We start playing with a little polar bear track thing that balls roll down. After a few minutes I decide to get myself ready for church. We go into the bathroom, Matthew goes into the bouncy seat and I put on make up and fix my hair. I showered last night, so that is not part of this morning's routine. Matthew mostly plays with the tag on his bouncy seat and not the hanging down toys above his head. He loves tags. I then hear Sam starting to make some noise next door and decide I'd better get him up before he wakes Jason.

It is 6:50. I quickly grab my church clothes, pick up Matthew and head into Sam's room. He says "Get out," meaning that he wants to get out of the crib. With Matthew on one hip, I pull Sam out of the crib. I'm still holding onto my church clothes too. I grab a pair of pants and a shirt for Sam, then go into the hall to the top of the stairs and throw all the clothing down the stairs. Sam stands at the top of the stairs wanting to hold my hand as he goes down. He then sees his bus in the bathroom, which he had played with last night during his bath and heads in the bathroom and fills his arms with his bus, fire engine and a few other cars. We then return to the top of the stairs and Sam hands me the fire engine as he can't hold onto all the vehicles and hold my hand too. I hand Matthew the fire engine and he plays with it on the way down the stairs.

It is a little after 7. We're all down the stairs. I put Matthew on the floor to play awhile and change Sam's clothes. I then pick up my church clothes from off the floor and head to the bathroom to put them on. Time for breakfast. I decide to make oatmeal and get it started cooking on the stove. Matthew starts fussing, so I pick him up and put him in the jumperoo which is in the kitchen. Sam is playing with his bus, fire engine and back hoe digger. I then run out to grab the paper.

It is 7:20. Matthew starts fussing, so I put him in the sling on my hip, so I can have my hands somewhat available to finish up breakfast. I get the coffee ready in the coffee maker and Sam brings his stool over to push the start button. I get out the brown sugar, cinnamon and raisins and Sam climbs into his chair. I put Sam's oatmeal in a little bowl, then into the fridge to cool it off. Sam is pacified with some raisins for awhile. He LOVES raisins. I mix up my oatmeal concoction and check on Sam's. It is cool enough for him to eat, so I add some cinnamon, raisins and brown sugar to his too. I then get some milk for him and mix in some "Chalk-it!!!" (chocolate).

It is 7:45. We sit down to breakfast. Matthew is still on my hip, but I can tell he's getting tired. Breakfast is peaceful, as long as Sam's raisin supply doesn't diminish. At around 7:55, Matthew starts yawning, so I decide it's time for his nap. I give Sam some more raisins to keep him occupied while I'm upstairs with the little one and head up. I feed Matthew a little and rock for a few minutes and his eyelids get heavy. I hear a crash downstairs and wonder what Sam did. I'm envisioning toys covered in oatmeal and a huge mess. Matthew goes into the crib and is quickly out.

It is 8:00, once downstairs I see that the crash was only Sam's empty plastic plate which fell to the floor. Sam is still happily eating his raisins and oatmeal. I hear Jason upstairs, sounds like he may be showering. Sam starts asking for daddy and heads up the stairs to find him. I empty the clean dishes from the dishwasher and put the empty breakfast dishes in it. A few minutes later Jason and Sam come down the stairs and I pour Jason a cup of coffee and hand it to him. I then mix up my own coffee concoction of warmed whole milk, coffee and vanilla syrup. It is 8:15.

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