Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Extended time with my three Kirchhoff men

Jason is home for 2 weeks as he is between jobs right now. This morning Matthew woke around 6:30, so I got up with him, played for awhile on the polar bear ramp thing, then got ready for the day, then packed Matthew into the van for a trip to the coffee shop. Jason and Sam were still sleeping. It was around 7:30 when we left. I got a seasonal fru-fru drink and Jason's tall dark roast. When I returned Jason was awake, Sam was still sleeping. Sam is quite the sleeper these days. To bed around 7:30PM, wakes up around 7:30 or 7:45AM, and I haven't had to check on him at night in probably a month or two.

Then after breakfast Jason was making the most of his extended family time and read some stories with the kids. Sam also has frequently been asking to play "Red guys, blue guys" (i.e. Halo) and Jason gives him a controller without batteries and the two of them play. Sam is mesmerized by the game and pushes the buttons on his controller occasionally. The men have also spent a fair amount of time playing on the John Deere (while it's off, of course).

While I was making dinner (at a normal dinner preparation hour!) Jason was playing with Matthew on the floor. He was making a small blanket with a bear head dance and sing. He was singing something like, "I'm a bear without a body, I don't have any legs, I'm a bear without a body." Apparently Matthew was smiling at Jason's efforts. Matthew smiles frequently, though his laughs are hard to come by. He really makes you work for it. Anyway, Jason isn't much of a baby person, so I'll give him credit for trying.

Sam and Matthew have also been playing together more. Jason plays this game with Sam called, "Hold on Sam!" It involves Sam riding on Jason's back while crawling on the floor. So today Matthew was lying on the floor and Sam came over to him and said, "Hold on Sam!" while leaning over Matthew's back. Matthew was smiling and loving the attention from his brother. Sorry about the low quality pic.

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