Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Typical meal prep

My little reluctant napper went down for a nap at 12:30. Sam and I finished our lunch, then I cleaned up and started chopping some ham and potatoes for our casserole/hot dish for supper, which I was prepping and going to put into the fridge to bake later this evening. Since Matthew's bedtime is 6PM and the hour prior is mostly devoted to bathing, feeding and otherwise getting the little guy ready for bed, I try to do most of my meal prep and cooking during the day, so that in the evening I just have to set the table and heat things up. After a few minutes of meal prep, I decided to read with Sam and leave the ham chopping for nap time. We read a few books, then a little after 1PM Sam went down for his nap.

At that time, I went in to check on Matthew. I've read that if babies typically wake up in a predictable fashion (for example, after 45 minutes of nap) that you can go in and rock them, or give them a pacifier, whatever you do to soothe them to sleep, before they start waking up and this gets them through the wake up and they can rest some more. So I watch Matthew for a few minutes. He still has his pacifier, so that's a good sign. He's wiggling around some, but then he calms down for a minute or two. So I leave and go to the computer in the room down the hall. Moments later I hear him cry. I pick him up and start rocking him. I try not to make eye contact, as that is stimulating for babies, but eventually I look down and see the upturned corners of his mouth peeking out from his pacifier in a smile, and he is fully awake. It is 1:15.  He napped for 45 minutes, as always, and is ready to go again.

We play in his room for awhile and then head downstairs. As I walk past Sam's room I hear him talking. I don't know who he's talking to or what it's about, but he's talking. It is 1:45. I briefly entertain the thought of getting him up, but realize there are over 3 hours until Jason gets home and I have no errands to run and 3 hours of two kids awake is just too much for me right now. I figure Sam will go back to sleep soon, so we proceed on. I put Matthew on the floor with a few toys and return to the ham chopping and meal prep. It is 2PM. He plays for a few moments, then starts fussing and crying again, clearly tired. I quickly cut up some more ham then wash my hands then return to the little guy. I hold him and rock for a few moments, his eyes get heavy, then he's out. Back into the crib for another try at a nap. It is 2:30.As I walk past Sam's room, there is silence.

Back to the ham and meal prep. By 2:50, dinner is ready to be baked in the oven in typical hot dish style, at 350 for 1 hour.

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