Tuesday, January 18, 2011

15 minutes on a Tuesday morning

The kids woke a little after 6. After some lounging around in the bed, grooming and other things, Sam went downstairs with Jason and they enjoyed some frosted mini wheats together. I brought Matthew down later after we had groomed and prepped ourselves (or rather, I groomed and prepped both of us). Matthew went into the booster seat and I gave him some Cheerios. I made some oatmeal on the stove.

7:17. After awhile Sam started crying and fussing in the corner of the kitchen. I went to see what was going on and found him standing on his stool and pointing and begging ("I want some!!!") for something in the corner countertop. I thought he was referring to the crescent roll, so I was almost ready to submit to his request when I discovered he was pointing to the Reeses Pieces. After a quick "No" Sam erupted into some more serious protestations and crying. I tried to appease him by offering apple juice. He agreed and quieted down. I poured some juice and went to prepare my oatmeal.

7:19. Matthew was happily eating cheerios in his seat. I finished my oatmeal prep (add some cream, brown sugar and cinnamon) and went to the table.

7:20 Then Sam erupted into screams and crying. I set my oatmeal on the table and went to Sam and saw his cup of juice spilled all over the floor in the corner of the kitchen. I started cleaning that up with a towel when Matthew erupted into screams and crying.

7:23. I went over to him and saw my bowl of oatmeal partially on him and mostly on the floor. My new, carefully prepared bowl of oatmeal. I've found the only satisfactory way to make oatmeal is over very low heat on the stove. Low heat for 15 minutes or so with frequent stirring to prevent scorching. I went back to the kitchen grabbed a wet washcloth and wiped off Matthew. Sam came over to the oatmeal mess, then got his digger/dozer and started riding toward it. I sternly insist that he goes the other direction. He starts crying.

7:25. Then I returned to the apple juice, not knowing quite how to clean up the oatmeal. Sam follows me, still crying. I tried giving him more juice but he would not be appeased. I successfully wiped up the apple juice and returned to the oatmeal.

7:27 Matthew was still crying. I hugged him for a bit, then returned to the oatmeal mess. Using the apple juice towel I pushed clumps of oatmeal back into my overturned bowl on the floor. I briefly entertained eating it still as I had just mopped the floor yesterday afternoon. Yes, I had just mopped the floor yesterday afternoon and it had now succumbed to apple juice and oatmeal. I declined to eat the oatmeal, opting instead to eat Matthew's dropped cheerios from the floor and his booster seat. Life has come to this.

7:30 Sam was still crying. Matthew was still crying. I grabbed the mop and mopped up both areas quickly, then picked up Sam. We went over to Matthew (still crying) and the kids stared each other down briefly as if assessing who was going to win the war over mom.

7:32 I set Sam down (with much protestation) and picked up Matthew. I then sat down at the table and picked up Sam. So there was one child on each knee. Both stopped crying. Then we watched the Life is a Highway music video on the laptop for some relaxation. 15 minutes on a Tuesday morning. Later Sam spilled his other glass of juice. And Matthew had a blowout.

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