Sunday, January 2, 2011

Is this child for real?

Sometimes I ask myself that. Most times I do not, but there are times when I wonder if Sam really does have angel wings (as Ken and Cheri like to tell me based on his stellar behavior when he visits them). Today was one of those days. It started off with church. We actually were able to stay in church the entire time, Sam sat pretty well on my lap or Jason's most of the time and rarely made a sound. He didn't say "All done now!" until we were almost done, so that was pretty good. After church Sam played with some of the other children while I visited with some other ladies and Jason talked to some other people too. Neither of us had to pay much attention to him because he just played and ran around without causing any problems.

As a side note, when Sam was ready for his nap today Jason asked if he could take Sam up. Sam said, "No, you watch football, Mommy carry." So Jason's time of favor was apparently short lived. Jason followed Sam and I up the stairs and Sam said, "Daddy downstairs, you watch football."

Anyway, back to Sam's angelicness. Tonight we went to the grocery store. Matthew was already in bed, so it was just Sam and I. Sam loves going to the grocery store. First of all, we got a car cart. Sam stayed in the cart the entire trip until I asked him to get out and grab a cucumber. Lately he's been sticking his upper body out the windshield area of the car cart and leaning out. I don't have a problem with that. When we got to the checkout, Sam helped put the groceries on the conveyor belt, then he went to the end of the checkout area, and started loading up the checked-out groceries in shopping bags.

When we got home Jason brought the groceries in the house and I started putting them away. Sam came over to the counter and grabbed some empty pop cans and said he was throwing them away. He then went to the garage door, opened it and placed the pop cans in the recycling bin. Then he came back and I asked him if he wanted to help put groceries away. I felt like Cinderella's evil stepmother, except that he was so excited to help out. I would place food items on the floor so he could reach them better, then he would grab something, run to the pantry or fridge, put it away and come back for something else. He got a big hug when he was done and after he went to bed (with Jason which involved some crying and thrashing about) I just shook my head thinking about what a good boy he was today. Days like these are precious and help to offset the sometimes crazy days when there are more downs than ups on the toddler roller coaster.

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