Saturday, January 15, 2011

I want to be on TV!

Last night after Matthew was in bed and before Sam went to bed we were watching a program on HGTV about RVs. They were following a few different families at an RV show and showcasing a variety of RV models. After a bit into the program, Sam said, "I want to be on TV." We weren't sure if he was talking about TV or RV, but after some back and forth we figured out that he wanted to get in the RVs on TV. We unsuccessfully tried to explain the concept of TV to Sam, which only resulted in whining and crying that he still wanted to be on TV.

So tonight Sam again started talking about how he wanted to be on TV. This time he wanted to be at the football game we were watching. Jason got out the camera and used the video function to get some video of Sam. Then Jason hooked up the camera to the TV and played it. Sam lost it. He cried and wailed that he wanted to be on TV at the football game. It was not a pretty sight. The crying and whining was intense and we again unsuccessfully tried to explain that the football game was very far away and he couldn't go to it. How the heck to you describe TV to a two year old? We apparently didn't do a very good job.

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