Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A new nap routine

Well, Sam has gotten over his fear of getting out of the crib by himself during his naptime. So we have a new nap routine. Now, Sam still gets tired early afternoon, around 1 or so and generally asks to take a nap. We go upstairs, sometimes I carry him and other times he walks on his own. We then retrieve BaaBaa from his sleeping area on the shelf in the closet and get to reading a few books. We then sing some and Sam climbs in his crib, while I am commanded to remain in the reading chair. If I follow him crying and screaming erupts. So I just sit there while he throws some books in his crib and then tumbles over the side of the crib. I then approach, cautiously. Trying to get Sam to lie down is unfruitful, so I just put his blanket over his legs, suggest that he takes a good nap and leave his room.

The next half hour to hour, Sam plays, reads and talks to himself in his room. He doesn't leave his room, but I can hear him running around, talking and jumping in his crib. If left to his own devices, (which I've decided is the way to go at this point, how do you force a kid to sleep?) he eventually naps when he wants. And then he naps for 2-3 hours.

Matthew, of course, is awake for most of this time. He has been taking a 1-2 hour morning nap (or 3 hours, as he did today), and then a quick pick-me-up late afternoon (around 2 or 3). We spend time playing in the kitchen or reading books and he's very good about playing on his own while I perform chores or shower or write a blog post, as I'm doing now. Such is the changing nature of our "routine" with two small children.

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