Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sam's current favorite book

I was going to post a picture of the two kids taking a bath together as they've started doing that lately. Matthew loves it and Sam seems to enjoy it too. However, yesterday when I tried to post the picture the camera battery was out, and today, I left the camera (with a recharged battery) in Matthew's room, and of course, he is asleep.

So I'm going to write about Sam's favorite book. Sam goes from favorite book to favorite book quite quickly, usually for a few weeks to a month, then he moves on to another book. Sometimes he has more than one favorite too. He has two books that we've been reading a lot lately and one is Richard Scarry's Cars, Trucks and Things that Go book. I bought it for Sam for Christmas because it has a lot of different vehicles (drawn, not pictures) in it and thought it would keep Sam occupied for a long time. Well, I was right. Sam is quite occupied with it. Not only does it have hundreds of vehicles in it (some are realistic like an army tank and others are made up like a pickle truck) but each of the pages has a tiny bug (likes 2-3 mm) on it called Goldbug. And there are 69 pages. So we search for the tiny bug on each and every page. We flip from page to page searching for Goldbug. Sam doesn't even seem to care much about all the vehicles, he just wants to find Goldbug and then he gets very excited when he finally finds him or when we point him out. Last night we read it for a half hour and only stopped because I was fatigued by it although Sam would have kept on reading it. Tonight we read it a lot too. I certainly was correct in that this book is engrossing for Sam, and we'll see tomorrow how it works for church.

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