Thursday, January 6, 2011

It was Matthew...

I can't remember if I've already written about this, so if I have, please disregard this post. Anyway, Sam has started blaming Matthew for things which he clearly didn't commit. It first started last week and has continued on this week too (and I'm sure will continue for a LONG time). Last week sometime I came into the living room and smelled something foul. I asked Sam if he had a dirty diaper and he said, "No, Matthew poopy." I wandered closer to the two children and determined that it was obviously Sam who was poopy and not Matthew. I asked Sam again if he had a dirty diaper and received the same response. Sam, at 27 months, has started trying to pin the blame on his baby brother. He lied. Outright lied. And it wasn't just a "No, I'm not poopy," kind of lie, he shifted the blame to someone else which actually makes it two lies in one statement! So he's not such an angel after all (clearly proven by events of this morning which I am not going to write about). How oft Sam falls from his angelic heights and reminds us of his humanity.

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