Monday, January 10, 2011

Climbing out of the crib

I wrote a few weeks ago that Sam started climbing out of his crib. That trend has continued. He climbs out of his crib multiple times a day these days. However, he only climbs out at the end of his nap or in the morning when he gets up and he doesn't climb out until I've come in his room to greet him. I come into his room in the morning with my usual, "Good morning, Sam!" And he gets excited and stands up and then insists upon getting out of the crib on his own. The same thing happens after his nap, but more often he wants to be carried out of his crib and brought downstairs. I really can't believe it. I was thinking that when he first started climbing out of the crib that it was going to be a big problem and he wouldn't nap and he'd be coming down the stairs multiples times an evening. But that hasn't happened. We had to start putting BaaBaa to sleep in the closet these days as otherwise Sam would climb in and out of the crib and carry him around everywhere. Sometimes Sam just climbs in his crib and jumps around a bit, then climbs out.

I read somewhere that you should wait to move kids to a big bed until they ask for it. So one morning Sam and I were laying in Jason and my bed while Matthew was still sleeping. I asked Sam if he wanted to have a big bed sometime. He said, "Yes." I asked him if he wanted a bed like Mommy and Daddy's. He said, "No, too big." I asked him if he liked his crib and wanted to keep sleeping in it. He said, "Yes." So for the time being, Sam is staying in the crib of his own volition.

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