Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I'm sure in a few years I will be able to post pics of the kids' block-building competitions, but for today you will have to deal with Jason and my attempts to out-do one another in building Megablock structures. Sam got some for Christmas from my sister and her family and we've had a lot of fun with them lately. We already had one bag of them, so now we have two (160 blocks) and Jason saw a posting on Craigslist for 500 blocks and we probably would have purchased them if they weren't about 30 miles away from us.

So anyway, we decided to build some structures and see what we could do. We didn't lay out criteria for what made a structure better than the other, but we probably should have. I went first and quickly worked while both children were hanging out (in other words, I was distracted) and Jason built his structure while I was upstairs with them giving them baths. We came down the stairs and Jason triumphantly presented us with his creation. Despite the lack of judging criteria, I must admit that Jason's is spectacular.

At least mine includes a nice picture of Matthew too.  Jason and Sam built quite a large parking garage with the blocks and Sam had a great time driving his cars in and out of it. Jason called Matthew "The inspector" because he would scoot, roll or pull himself over to whatever was being built and pull it down as he was testing its sturdiness.

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