Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Out in the snow again

My computer's desktop picture is the one that I posted a few weeks back of the two kids out in the snow. Matthew has his old miner face on, while Sam has a goofy smile. Both kids assumed those roles again today. It took all of my available tricks to get even some semblance of a smile out of Matthew while Sam happily made snow angels, rolled in the snow and used a toy skid loader to plow the driveway, at least a very small portion of the driveway. Matthew didn't cry or fuss, but he certainly was not enjoying himself. Jason says that when Matthew's "playing" outside, the best word to describe his face is "pxxxed". Inappropriate word for a family-oriented website. And he certainly did not like being forced to make a snow angel. He really puts up a fuss getting all dressed up for "playing" outside, so I wonder if the restricted movement of his snowsuit and unavailability of hands and feet are responsible for his sour attitude. But Sam had a great time. He did not want to go inside, so we were outside for close to an hour. We pulled Matthew in the sled down the street a ways, and otherwise played in the freshly fallen snow on our driveway. Matthew mostly sat on my lap while Sam played, although he was content for a while in the sled while I did some shoveling. The only noises Matthew made were some angry growls as he had his baboosh to muffle any more significant complaints.

When we returned to the house Matthew was sour while I was getting him undressed, but when I put him in the jumperoo so I could start making dinner, he happily jumped away and was quite cheerful. Someday I will know more about his state of mind about being outdoors, but for now I am left to my own imagination for figuring out baby behavior.

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