Wednesday, January 19, 2011


This morning Matthew woke about 6. We hung out upstairs while Jason got ready then headed downstairs for breakfast. Sam was still sleeping. I turned on Sam's monitor and set Matthew at the table with some toast and banana. At around 7:30 Sam started making some noise so I went up to his room to get him. However, upon opening his door he was completely still, eyes shut, apparently still asleep, so I just left his door open a bit and went back downstairs. Minutes later, Sam crept down the stairs and came into the kitchen with a big smile on his face. "I come downstairs!" he exclaimed. I think we've entered a new phase of our crib to bed transitioning.

For naptime, I rushed through our naptime routine with Sam and he got into his crib and I covered him with his blanket. Matthew wasn't napping and he tends to get fussy if I leave him anywhere for too long, so Sam's nap routine gets abbreviated when Matthew isn't already napping. Matthew and I then went to play on my and Jason's bed. I read a few pages in my book while Matthew entertained himself with the stitches on the quilt on our bed. I could hear Sam's crib creaking in the next room and then I heard other noises in his room. It sounded like he was doing something to his bookshelf (which in on the wall which is between Sam's room and mine and Jason's). It then sounded like he was opening and closing the drawers of his changing table. I then heard his door handle, but it didn't sound like he opened it. It also sounded like he was running around some. After a few minutes I took Matthew downstairs and when we went by Sam's room his door was closed I didn't hear any other noise other than some of his mumbling.

His mumbling went on for some time and at around 2PM (after he had been in his room for almost an hour) I decided to check on him and convince him to nap. When I got into his room Sam was sitting in his crib, half naked, reading some of his books. He had taken off his pants and diaper. Ok. I guess he didn't want to wear anything on his lower half. I thought that would be ok and tried to get him to lay down. He then insisted on getting a new diaper (the one he had taken off was completely dry) and putting back on his pants. I acquiesced, and then he got back into his crib for nap. And he did nap for the next 3 hours.

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