Wednesday, August 25, 2010

BaaBaa's Feet

The Beloved
Sam's beloved BaaBaa has been talked about a few times, but not in-depth, so that's what I'm going to discuss today. When Sam was 4 months old (Matthew's almost there!!!) we decided to start a bedtime routine with him and help him fall asleep on his own (a.k.a. sleep training). Among the suggestions we followed included having a consistent routine (bath, story, prayer, bed), using a white noise machine or music specifically for bedtime and introducing a lovey to the child. So we introduced a lovey to Sam and gave him two little sheep every time he went to bed. He initially loved a little beanie baby sheep, but over time, BaaBaa took over and became his lovey of choice.

Now BaaBaa is very important to all of us. He means a better night's sleep for the entire household. BaaBaa only leaves the house when we're going someplace where Sam will be napping or spending the night. He doesn't not go to the grocery store or for car rides, although if Sam had his way, BaaBaa would not leave his side. In fact, BaaBaa is mostly restricted to Sam's crib. We explained to Sam that BaaBaa needs to sleep during the day so he can stay up and watch over Sam at night. Anyway, when Sam is really tired he cries, "BaaaaaaaBaaaaaaa!" and we know that's a sign he is really ready for bed. We even use BaaBaa as somewhat of a bribe to make Sam's bedtime more attractive when he's is not so desperate to end his day..."Sam, don't you want to see BaaBaa? He's waiting for you..." 

The Beloved's feet
Having a lovey is not out of the ordinary. However, how Sam loves BaaBaa is what is unusual. Sam always holds BaaBaa upside down by his legs with his feet by his nose/mouth. So he stiffs BaaBaa's feet and with his fingers strokes BaaBaa's foot fur. What's even funnier is how Sam shares BaaBaa with others. During our bedtime routine, I let Sam hold BaaBaa during storytime, prayers and song. Of course, I kiss Sam frequently during our little routine as his head is right by my lips. But Sam likes me to kiss BaaBaa too. I try to kiss his head, but that is unacceptable, I must kiss his feet. Not just one foot, but both of them

A few weeks ago I let Sam have BaaBaa downstairs for awhile as he was having a tough morning. It was one of the days where he was pretend playing with his stuffed animals. He was sharing his water in a sippy cup with his friends. Sam held up the sippy cup to Mickey Mouse's mouth, Donald Duck's beak...and BaaBaa's feet. When I asked him where BaaBaa's head and mouth were, he knew the correct part of the body, but still he gave BaaBaa's feet a drink.

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