Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The State Fair!

Matthew getting a clothing change at the fair
Today Jason took the day off from work so we went to the Minnesota State Fair with Ken and Cheri (Jason's parents). We loaded up the two single strollers we have and arrived early since Jason "doesn't like people" (those were his own words...I believe he means large crowds of people...).

Our first stop at the fair was the dog obedience training show where a bunch of dogs run an agility course with their trainers. Every year when we go to the fair and see the dog shows Jason and I entertain the thought of getting a dog, but then reality sets in and we realize we have enough to do with the two human little ones we have around the house.

Our next stops included looking at many different tractors, mowers and construction equipment. Sam got excited about the tractors, but was very excited when we came upon the construction equipment. He walked around with Jason and Ken and pointed out the various equipment by name..excavator! skid steer! tractor! excavator! front loader! I use exclamation points because that's the way Sam talks about trucks, tractors and construction equipment. He gets so excited and does a little goofy step/dance while he points at them. We'll have to get his dance moves on video sometime.

Jason, Sam and I with Dennis Prager
We then traversed across the fairgrounds to the livestock barns to see sheep, horses, pigs and cows. Matthew had been sleeping most of the time at the fair so far, but he awoke once we got to the livestock barns. We took turns carrying the little one around as he quickly wears out one's arms. I'm not sure what animal Sam liked best, although he mentioned the pigs most frequently when we got home.

Our last stop was the AM1280 booth where my favorite nationally syndicated radio talk show host, Dennis Prager, was broadcasting live from the fair. It was fun to see his show in person and Mr. Prager began by posing the question "Think of the last family vacation you took. Would it have been better if you could do the same vacation but with just your spouse, and leave the kids with loved ones back home?" He then referred to Jason by saying "Iowa State, I can tell you're thinking" (Jason was wearing an IA State T-shirt). Later in the show he referred to Sam too. So they both were referred to on a national radio show. Jason teased me about the fact that Mr. Prager talked about both him and Sam, but not myself although I was wearing a Dennis Prager T-shirt and am a Dennis Prager Groupie. During one of the breaks we got to meet Mr. Prager and had our picture taken with him. Matthew was with Grandma Cheri in the audience so he missed out on the picture.

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