Monday, August 30, 2010

Growth stats

Today I took Matthew in for his four month appointment. I had scheduled an appointment for later in the week, but he has a rash which looks like ringworm that I wanted to get checked out. Poor kid. I'm pretty sure he picked it up at the Y as it appeared Tuesday afternoon after our trip to the Y in the morning. So we've been to the Y four times, and he's gotten something twice. That's not a good record.

The nurse practitioner recommended some OTC cream and said it shouldn't be infectious shortly after beginning treatment. Hopefully it goes away soon. During the appointment a toddler was in the room next door and I could hear him screaming "AWWWWWWW! I HATE THE SHOTS! I HATE THE SHOTS! AWWWWWW!" I'm definitely not looking forward to Sam's appointment later in the month. Maybe Jason can take him.

Matthew's report card is as follows:
     weight: 18 lbs (95th percentile)
     height: 27.5 in (100th percentile) what does that mean?

So Matthew is a big kid but he's well proportioned. The nurse practitioner commented that he seems a lot older than he is. I sure think so too. It's hard to remember he's so young when he is soooo big and soooo active!

Sam's stats when he was four months was:
     weight: 15 lbs (50th percentile)
     height: 26.5 in (90th percentile)

I think Sam's "little" brother is going to be holding his own very soon. Sam has been smacking Matthew occasionally as he's realized that quickly gets my attention. He doesn't hit Matthew hard enough to make him cry, but he still hits him out of frustration. However, I have a feeling that Matthew's days of non-retaliation are quickly coming to a close...

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