Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A typical morning

Matthew ate at a little after 4AM, so I hope he'll sleep until at least 7. At 6:30ish I hear him stirring and ask Jason, who hasn't left for work yet, to go in and give him the baboosh. He's quiet for awhile then.

Sam starts rolling around in his creaky crib a little before 7. He's not crying so I give him some Sam time. After a few minutes he says "Mommy, where are you?" How sweet, I can't let that go without a response. I get up and go into his room and pull him out of his crib. He says "Baboosh?" which he apparently lost during the night. We do some searching and find one under the crib. Sam climbs into the crib and grabs BaaBaa his beloved sheep. I usually don't let BaaBaa or his baboosh leave his room, but I decide he can have them for awhile this morning. He then says, "Matthew?" and heads into his room across the hall. "Matthew awake!" Sam says when he gets to Matthew's crib and sure enough, Matthew is awake. I approach him and lean over to see his lower lip stick out and quiver, then he starts crying. Matthew is very good at looking very sad. I pick him up and realize he's probably hungry.

Into my bedroom we go and I start feeding Matthew on the bed. Sam climbs up and starts taking off his PJs. We've recently started working on getting dressed and undressed with him. With little help from me he's soon stripped down, which he likes. He then tries getting off the diaper. "Help you? Help you?" he asks, which means "Help me?". He sometimes uses personal pronouns correctly, but not always. Ugh. I'm almost done feeding the little one, so I help him with the diaper tabs. Off comes the diaper and now Sam is really happy. He loves being naked these days. He climbs around the bed, then sits on my pillow. Yuck. I will have to change the pillowcase. Guess that's what happens when you let your child run around naked.

Matthew is done eating, so I change his diaper and put on his clothes for the day. Somehow Sam gets dressed and diapered too, but I honestly can't remember how that happened. We all play on the bed for awhile, Matthew is happy today, and doesn't seem to have much of a fever anymore, thank the Lord. He's smiling and cooing.

I decide to shower that morning since I went to bed early last night and didn't shower before bed. Matthew is strapped into the bouncy seat next to the shower and Sam is playing with his orange Coronet along the tub. The kids seem to be doing well, and I'm almost done so I decide to get adventurous and shave my legs. I get one done and Matthew starts crying. Oh dear, moral dilemma. I do a shoddy job on the other leg, quickly dry off and then pick up Matthew. He doesn't calm down. I need to get dressed. Down he goes again, still crying. I quickly throw on some gym shorts and a t-shirt, then pick him up and go to the bathroom to comb my hair. Sam is on the bed again trying to throw his sheep and baboosh over the ceiling fan and says "Swing!". In his act of throwing, they're not making any vertical movements, but dropping straight behind him.

My hair is combed and Matthew is still a little fussy, but it's time for Sam's breakfast, so I head over to the stairs. On the way past Sam's room I tell him that BaaBaa and baboosh need to go to the crib until nap time. He goes into his room and puts them to bed. At the stairs, I tell Sam that I will hold his hand as he walks down. He holds his arms out to me and says "Carry?" I reiterate my offer of hand holding. He rejects and starts crying/screaming. I start walking down the stairs and say that I will prepare breakfast. The crying/screaming gets worse. As I approach the bottom of the stairs, I turn around and again ask Sam if he would like me to hold his hand. He accepts the offer and happily walks down the stairs. It's a little before 8 and time for breakfast.

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