Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Papa Dewey

Sam is apparently quite taken with his great-Grandpa Duane. He has been talking about him frequently since we returned from our trip up north. He will pick up the little old tv remote which we removed the batteries from and gave him as a toy a long time ago, put it up to his ear and say "Hi Papa Dewey!" Then he says "Papa Dewey has a boat" and so on.

The night before we returned home from out trip Sam went to bed around 7:30, but he was making a lot of noise, so I went in to check on him after about 15 minutes. Turns out he was standing up in his pack-n-play and looking out the window at Papa Dewey and Papa Don as they were packing up things in the boat. "Papa Dewey! Papa Don!" he said when I came in. I'm pretty sure Papa Dewey didn't do much to attract Sam's attention and affection, but Sam has sure taken to him. I guess he's just a lovable guy!

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