Saturday, August 7, 2010

Sharing poo war stories

Matthew used to be "regular." He would poo once a week on Wednesdays. No joke. Funny, but completely true. He would save up his poo for Wednesdays and then poo and poo and poo. There were two major blowouts on Wednesdays before I discovered how to handle Matthew's habits. I found the best way to deal with it was to start changing him once he starting pooing and have some diapers at the ready to catch the loads of poo as he eliminated. With my new system, I had avoided any blowouts for three consecutive weeks.

However, Matthew has started pooing randomly these days and unfortunately the blowouts are becoming more frequent. So this afternoon I fed Matthew and was going to put him the Bumbo chair for some upright playtime. I got out the chair (1:07 PM) and noticed it needed some cleaning from the previous day's blowout. Now, before you think I am a terrible mother and housekeeper, it was a very small amount of poo that could have easily been overlooked by almost anyone. So I grabbed a disinfectant wipe and wiped down the chair. Then in Matthew went (1:12 PM) and out came a watery-explosive noise that could mean only one thing. Ugh. I picked Matthew up and saw poo pooling into the Bumbo chair and starting to run down his leg. Oh my. How do I transfer him to the changing station in the laundry room, about 25 feet away without getting poo on the rug, floor, and/or myself. I held Matthew sideways, with his poo leg on top and quickly head to the laundry room. The poo was running down his thigh, down his little calf, toward his toes, oh my...we made it! However, the changing pad didn't have a cover as that was a casualty from yesterday's blowout. That was the least of my concerns.

After extracting Matthew from his poo-covered clothing without getting any on his arms or head, I pull a clean shirt out of the dryer to put on him. It was one of his shirts that succumbed to a blowout yesterday and fortunately, was cleaned and dried promptly but not folded and put away promptly, so it was at the ready for another tour of duty.

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