Thursday, August 12, 2010

An uneventful morning

Despite a brief outing to Target for more acetaminophen for the little one as his fever has persisted and a stop at the YMCA to sign up for a membership, today has been relatively uneventful. Sam went boneless on the way into Target because he didn't want to hold my hand, but otherwise he had his angel wings on. I asked Sam to help me find the yogurt and he redirected me when I strayed into other areas, "Yogurt?" he would ask. Matthew flashed a few smiles at the cashier and we got what we needed and nothing more, which is amazing for a trip to Target. I guess the only thing that was eventful was that the trip was so uneventful.  

On the way home, I decided to go through the Caribou Coffee drive-thru for a dessert drink. I won't even call it coffee, although it does have espresso. It's really more like ice cream. So I ordered ice cream at 10AM. We got home and Sam wanted some "coffee." I put a little of the whip cream from the dessert drink into his cup and he went at it and shared it with Bear. Bear apparently liked it and got some on his nose. Sam enjoyed his "coffee."

I did a few loads of laundry too. Sam followed me into the laundry room, then he started digging in the garbage as I loaded the clothes in the washing machine. While digging, he said, "Batteries." I responded, "Yes, they don't work." He replied, "Daddy will fix it," then he left.

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