Friday, August 6, 2010

Squirmy Worm

Matthew is "trying" to sleep right now. But he is just so squirmy! He kicks his legs, flails his arms around, then shuts his eyes for a brief moment. Then his hand reaches to his mouth and he grabs his pacifier (or baboosh as Sam calls it) and it sails over his head. Fingers go into the mouth. The eyes close, oh, they're open again. Such a struggle to get a little sleep!

Matthew is what I call a high-maintenance napper. He naps well if someone is holding or rocking him. Otherwise he sleeps in short 10-30 minute bits throughout the day. At times I sleep with him (when Sam's napping too) and other times I bounce him in the bouncy seat as I work on the computer.

But he's a great night sleeper. He regularly sleeps 6-8 hours at night without waking, then eats and sleeps for a few more hours. He's even had a few 9 hour uninterrupted stretches recently.

Now he's cooing. Looking at the window and cooing. I wonder who he's talking to? Now he found his thumb again. Matthew's been sucking his thumb more and more and I don't know if I should stop with the baboosh and let the thumb sucking take its normal course or continue giving it to him. But sometimes he loses patience trying to get the fingers into the mouth and, well, you know what happens when babies lose patience. We'll have to see how things progress with the finger/thumb sucking issue.

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