Sunday, August 22, 2010

Matthew sleeping! Matthew awake!

Matthew, being a little baby (or big baby!) still sleeps quite a lot during the day. When he's tired, he gets a little cranky and starts covering his face with his hands, as if to say "Just leave me alone!" You know when his hands approach his little head, sleep is fast approaching. Then he usually falls asleep with his hands limply resting by his forehead.

As mentioned earlier, he naps in short bits throughout the day, and Sam always seems to keep us posted on Matthew's status. Like when Sam wakes before Matthew, he goes into Matthew's room and says, quite loudly, "Matthew sleeping!" After which, Matthew usually wakes up and Sam says "Matthew awake!" (Now when you're imagining this, say Matthew without the "h", Sam says it more like "Matt-ew")

This morning I went outside to the garage to get something from the van, Jason was using the restroom, Matthew was sleeping in the bouncy seat and Sam was playing with his cars. Matthew was starting to stir as I was leaving and Sam started saying, "Matthew awake!" I assured him I would be right back and take care of Matthew at that time. Apparently when I was in the garage, Sam started banging on the bathroom door and yelling at Jason, "Matthew awake, Matthew awake!" He was quite concerned that Matthew was not getting the attention he needed at.that.very.moment.

I think Sam really likes it when Matthew's awake. At least it seems that way because Sam can't let him sleep for too long. It's like trying to keep bees from honey, keeping Sam away from Matthew when he's sleeping. Very difficult and often unsuccessful. He wakes Matthew up frequently and says "Matthew awake!" Funny, I remember doing that to my little brother when he was trying to sleep too. My sister and I used to sneak into his room at night and plug his nose until he'd wake up, then we'd run back to our room and hear him say "Girls, stop it!" in his toddler voice. I doubt the "wake up your little brother" trait is genetic, but it could be one of the only traits that Sam inherited from me.

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