Saturday, August 7, 2010

"Colors sleeping"

Yesterday I was feeding Matthew and half paying attention to Sam while he was coloring at the table. Well, I wasn't really half paying attention to him, maybe one-quarter, no, that's being generous, Sam was doing his own thing and I knew where he was and what he was up to. Sam started expressing some frustration because he couldn't get the pad of paper to lay flat. It was one of those drawing paper pads, with a thicker cover and he couldn't get the cover to stay open. I let him work it out and eventually he calmed down. A minute or so later, Sam started to exclaim, "Colors sleeping! Colors sleeping!" As I was on the couch at the other end of the room I wasn't quite sure what he was talking about, but then I noticed some colors (e.g. crayons, markers) that he had placed under his pad of paper. How cute. Where do kids come up with this stuff? He then pulled a crayon out from where it was "sleeping" and said "Color awake!"

He's recently started playing more pretend games/activities with his stuffed animals and other toys. Sam occasionally lines up an odd assortment of stuffed animals, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck (courtesy of the Brian Kirchhoff family), a small dog, of course a beanie baby sheep and some others, places "blankie" over them and says they are napping. He even once prayed with them before their nap.

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