Saturday, August 14, 2010

Saturday is the new Wednesday

I wish my stories about Matthew didn't revolve so much around his elimination habits, but he is simply in a stage right now where those habits often take center stage. He's back to normal now, after being sick since Monday afternoon. He's almost normal I should write, except that I believe the illness altered his weekly pooing day from Wednesday to Saturday. Let me tell you why I think that is the case.

It starts off with the Bumbo chair, again. Matthew was playing and smiling in the bumbo. He likes being able to sit up and see things. Then he started grimacing and making some baby grunting noises. Then the explosion. I didn't notice any obvious poo, but I grabbed him quickly and headed to the laundry room for a diaper change. As I laid him down on the changing pad, I noticed some poo on his shorts, just on the left leg, so it's a left-side attack. Then I look at the arm I had been carrying him in. Ugh. I moan in disgust and tell Jason to get me some clothing for Matthew. He grabs a change of clothes and manages to get it to me without coming within 6 feet of Matthew and I. Another successful extraction and Matthew is soon in his new clothes. Then he naps.

An hour later I am holding Matthew when he starts grimacing. We head to the laundry room again and this time, Matthew has attacked from the upper back. The poo is nearly to his little shoulder blades, this one will take a little more finesse to perform a successful extraction. But I get him out and since Jason is outside working on the yard, I have to run upstairs to get some new clothes for the little one. I carry him over my left shoulder and he produces a large amount of spit up as we begin walking. It's running down both of our arms and one of my legs. I continue on to his room as a burp cloth is nowhere in sight. Sam, who follows me through everything, starts saying "Mess." We get to Matthew's room, get on some new clothes and wipe off our dirty appendages. I change my clothes too as the amount of spit up on me is more than I can tolerate. Then back downstairs to clean up the "mess." I get out the mop and floor cleaner and then Sam insists that he must mop. So I let him and he does a pretty good job. Then it's back to the Bumbo chair, which I notice has a little poo in it. I wipe it out with a disinfectant wipe and we're back to where we began.

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