Thursday, September 16, 2010

A big day

Today is a big day. Sam woke up with a dry diaper so I set him on the turtle potty and ah ha! He went! That's our first success. Then later this morning, he came over to me and started whimpering, "poop", so we went to the potty again and success! I'd say that's a pretty good start for 9:30 AM.

I've also been allowing Sam some say in choosing his clothes in the morning. Yesterday he chose to wear his "new jamas" and since he was only going to visit Papa and Grammy, I consented, and we went to their house in the new jamas with some jeans and t-shirt in a bag.  This morning, however, he picked out 4 shirts to put on. In the picture he has on his firetruck sweatshirt, tools long-sleeve t-shirt, moose sweatshirt and the shirt you see on top. He looked so silly with his arms sticking out so far because of the bulk of his attire.

The last picture is Sam's new hat. Last week I taught myself how to crochet and this week, knitting. So the hat is my first project. It was supposed to be Matthew's, but as you can see, it is pretty big and fits Sam perfectly.

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