Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Visiting Papa and Grammy's

This morning I took Sam over to Ken and Cheri's for some time with them and Matthew stayed with me for the day. On the drive over to Ken and Cheri's Sam warned me of upcoming features as he's been on the drive many times. Some of his warnings included "Bulldozer, comin' up!" (near the road construction on 694 and 35W), "Dump trucks, comin' up!" (there have been many dump trucks driving by Ken and Cheri's from some other construction), "Deer comin' up" (one of Ken and Cheri's neighbor's has a lot of lawn statues, one of which is a deer) and "Grammy and Papas!!!!"

When we arrived I got Sam out of the van and we started walking to the house. Sam then turned around and said to me, "Mommy going." He then pushed me and pointed at the van, saying "Van!" Then he turned and went up to Ken and Cheri's door. I guess he likes playing at his grandparents, particularly when I'm not around.

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