Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What's Matthew up to?

There has been a drought of discussion about Matthew lately, so it's time to highlight the little one's recent achievements. Matthew is sleeping like a champ after a week and a half of his early bedtime. Who knew he would take to 6PM bedtime so well? And his napping is going fairly well too. However, he recently started rolling over in his crib. He's been rolling over (both ways) for over a month, but just yesterday figured out that he could roll over in his crib in addition to the floor. So we've woken to the terrified cries of "I'm on my stomach and I can't get back!!!" (he can roll back over, but he must forget in the moments of terror).

Jason suggested we try the wedge, a little foam wedge with bumper things on the side to hold the baby in one place, but I tried that a few nights ago and he wiggled to the top of the crib without a problem. In other words, the wedge may prevent side to side movement, but not top to bottom. Matthew has also recently gotten stuck by rotating himself perpendicular to the length of the crib so his head is stuck on one side of the crib and his feet/legs on the other. I've been placing him with his feet at one end of the crib because he frequently wiggles to the top of the crib and inevitable gets his head stuck in the corner which also elicits terrified cries. For not being able to crawl, this kid sure covers a lot of territory.

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