Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A potty dilemma

As Sam is scared of his poo we decided to take a break from the potty for awhile. How do I know Sam is scared of his poo? Well, he holds it for hours on end and would start crying when he started pooing and saw his poo. He was obviously uncomfortable from holding it so long and had become quite a toddler terror. I started calling him the tyrant, as his tantrums were frequent and insatiable. So we're taking a break from underwear and are back into diapers. However, Sam isn't apparently taking a break from it. Whenever he has to go, he says "Poopy! Poopy!" and asks immediately to go to the potty or have his diaper changed. Since we've been doing that routine for a day or so with his regular diapers, I decided to try the pull-ups as they're much easier to get on and off for the frequent trips to the potty, yet they're essentially a diaper and I hope will give him the freedom to poo in peace. So today we put on a pull up and I told him they can be pulled up and down when he needs to use the potty. He then proceeded to pee in the pull up, tell me it was "poopy" and pull it down, then run around the house half naked. Hmmm. So the potty training tinkering has resulted in a toddler unable to go peacefully in a diaper, who desires freedom, but really can't handle it yet. I am at a loss as to what to do next. Who knew potty training would be so hard?

Now for the pictures, the first one is the hat I knitted for Matthew. Jason liked it so much he asked me to knit him a sweater.

And we've all been enjoying the weather and the sandbox lately.

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